The Llandric Enterprises Web Hosting Control Panel is our idea of how web site administration ought to be done. It is a place from which you can manage all aspects of your online presence without the need to resort to any additional billing or domain management interfaces. With the Llandric Enterprises Web Hosting Control Panel, you can manage your domain names, your web sites and your payment transactions from a single place.

Our Web Hosting Control Panel is designed to work solely with our own shared website hosting platform. This permits it to be a lot faster and far more secure than any other Web Hosting Control Panel. Once inside, you’ll find all the tools that you require to administer your web site and numerous charge–free bonus features that can help you further optimize your current website or swiftly kickstart a new one.

E Mail Account Manager

Working with email box accounts can be really simple

Working with mail messages is easy. Yet, administering e–mail accounts can be tricky. This is where our E Mail Account Manager comes to help. It enables you to not only quickly set up new and modify existing e–mailbox accounts, but to also easily forward e–mail messages, to set up email filters, to request anti–spam protection, etc., via an easy–to–use user interface.

And if you work with an e–mail client, you can employ our auto–config scripts for the most famous e–mail clients for Linux and Windows. All you need to do is download an auto–configuration file and your e–mail client will automatically set up your new electronic mail account.

E Mail Account Manager

Domain Names Manager

Administer everything from a single location

The Domain Names Manager is the only place you need to go to in order to manage your domains. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you can forward or park domain names, modify WHOIS settings or change DNS settings.

The best of all is that, when you’re done, you can instantaneously start working on your web site – you can add new files, create databases or install software applications. All thanks to the fact that all the tools are located in one single Web Hosting Control Panel.

Domain Names Manager

File Manager

Manage your files and directories with a click

With the File Manager built into the Llandric Enterprises Web Hosting Control Panel, you will have one of the most effective web file managers at hand. With it, you can upload files simply by dragging them into your browser. You can move files and directories in your account by dragging and dropping them. You can unarchive uploaded archives.

You can also right–click on a given file or folder to get access to these functions.

File Manager


Get a security firewall for your applications

In the Llandric Enterprises Web Hosting Control Panel we have included the ModSecurity Apache module. It is a small module that does a great job – it serves as a firewall for your apps, safeguarding them against hack assaults, cross–site scripting attacks and URL forgery attacks. We’ve already specified the rules for the firewall program, so you don’t have to configure it before it starts to work.

And ModSecurity is activated automatically for all your websites – as soon as they go online, they’ll be instantly protected. If you wish, you can manually deactivate ModSecurity for any of your web sites.


Online Statistics Manager

Real–time information about your site visitors in your Web Hosting Control Panel

Knowing how users interact with their web site is vital for any website owner. With the Online Statistics Manager in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’ll obtain live stats about all the things that your visitors do on your website from the very moment it goes live, with zero configuration needed on your end.

At any moment, you can check out precisely how many people have dropped in on your web site and the average time they have spent on it. You can also view return and unique visits, page views, most–browsed pages, most frequently used key phrases, exit and entrance pages, and much more.

Online Statistics Manager

A Web Site Installer Tool

Create your new web site in 4 easy steps

If you need to launch a new website fast, but you do not want to waste lots of time seeking the most appropriate theme for it, we have the ideal solution for you – the Simple Website Installer included in the Llandric Enterprises Web Hosting Control Panel. With it, you can publish your new website online in just 4 simple steps, which take no more than five minutes!

For your next website, you can choose from among over 100 cost–free themes designed by us for various types of sites – e–commerce portals, personal journals, portfolio web sites, corporate portals, etc.

A Web Site Installer Tool

A selection of 40+ different web apps to install

A selection of 40+ different web apps to install

Manual software application installation can be hard. That is the reason why, we’ve set up an automatic Applications Installer, which will get the job done for you. It features more than forty well–known apps and we’ve rendered the installation process as easy as possible. All you really need to do is type in the administrator username and pass. Our smart tool will take care of the rest instead of you.

It also maintains a record of the installed software apps and the used user names and passwords. This way, even if you fail to memorize your password, you can always see what it is in our Web Hosting Control Panel.

A selection of 40+ different web apps to install

Marketing Tools

An RSS News tool, a Sitemap Generator, a GeoIP redirection tool

In our Web Hosting Control Panel you’ll find a number of marketing tools – our Sitemap Generator, our RSS News module and our GeoIP redirection tool.

With their help, you will be able to swiftly get all your pages indexed by the search engines, to post the latest news on your site easily and to direct visitors coming from different countries to different sections of your web site.

Marketing Tools
  • Help Center
  • Marketing Tools

  • We feature a GeoIP redirection tool, a Sitemap Generator, an RSS News Feeds interface as well as other Marketing Tools, to allow you to promote your web sites more effectively.

  • Easy to Install
  • Simple Website Installer

  • Get your WordPress, Joomla or another web application based website on the Internet with simply a click of the mouse. Only pick your style and site name and we will kick off your net presence online instantly. No web design abilities will be required from you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • Complimentary Web Site Building Application

  • Llandric Enterprises’s online Complimentary Web Site Building Application will help you kickstart your net profile today with easy point and click actions. No coding expertise will be needed on your part. Over a hundred web themes available.

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our bundles is configured for you at absolutely no cost. 30–day refund. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour reply–back time frame.
  • Compare our prices

  • Quickly examine the allocations and characteristics made available from our hosting deals. Find out which plan offers you exactly what you’ll need to create and handle your websites with ease.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We are available for you in working hours to respond to any sort of inquiries with regards to our cloud web hosting services.